Chima Ubani Centre, Oromineke Lane, DLine, Port Harcourt

(+234) 803 758 3481, (+234) 806 382 2487


citizens’ rights

promote and propagate human rights

While promoting the rights of individual citizens everywhere in the country, the Organisation will recognise the rights of peoples, including minorities

oppose all forms of discrimination

We Nigerian peoples for collective action against social inequality and towards building economic systems that benefit all citizens

CRC is in support of Democracy, transparency and accountability, inclusive and good governance, in Nigeria and Africa

About us


We are a mass-based grassroot organisation borne out of the necessity to build a national movement for defending the human and social rights of citizens and to promote mass platforms for power to achieve fundamental social change in Nigeria.

Our Organisation will build membership from the grassroots and mobilise them to immediately confront social challenges collectively

Our Aims and Objectives

To promote and propagate the human rights of any disadvantaged class, group or community and encourage a healthy environment for the citizens

Child Rights

Children have equal standing as members of the human family and are neither the property of their parents nor the state, nor are they merely beings in the making

Right to Health

The right to health is one of a set of internationally agreed human rights standards and is inseparable or ‘indivisible’ from these other rights.

Disadvantaged Populations

 Minority, elderly, people with disabilities, require extensive and intensive medical and nonmedical services

21 +

CRC Units

150 +


15 +


55 +


CRC Monitoring Report on 2023 Gubernatorial Elections in Delta State

The 2023 General Elections were held for the Presidential and National Assembly positions on the 25th of February 2023, across Nigeria. The Gubernatorial election was, however, organized to elect new governors in 28 out of the 36 states in the country.  In states where governorship elections did not hold, elections were held to fill positions for the State Houses of Assembly as well.

No Election in Khana LGA in the Gubernatorial Polls in Rivers State

The hopes of the people of Kaani community (ward six) in Khana LGA to perform their civil responsibilities were dashed on Saturday 18/03/2023  when party agents across different political parties discovered that the electoral materials were fake including the result sheets and ballot papers for Ikwerre LGA were sent to Khana.

Presidential and National Assembly Election Report from Okwe-Asaba, Delta State

Observations on the Presidential and National Assembly Elections in Okwe-Asaba held on 25th Feb. 2023 at 1,2,3,4, and 8 units spread across the vicinity of the Area were documented and compiled by the CRC Delta State.

Our Rights are the Essence of Our Humanity. Join The Civil Rights Council Unit in Your Locality


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